Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marble Female Figure

Marble Female Figure Cycladic Final Neolithic, ca. 4500-4000 BC Bequest of Walter C. Baker, 1971 (1972. 118. 104) â€Å"The figure represents a rare type known as steatopygous characterized by particularly full legs and buttocks, and is undoubtedly indicative of fertility. â€Å" RACHELLE DARDEN Rachelle Darden Art History 11 Short writing Assignment 2 The marble female figure is a sculpture selected from the Ancient Greek and Roman Galleries at the Metropolitan Museum in Manhattan. It’s also known as the final Neolithical Cycladic marble.The figure, now missing its head is an example of an uncommon type known as steatopygous. This sculpture is a representation of the Human Body in which its described by its distinctive features. It has a thin torso or abdomen suggesting a slim like body however it can be defined by its abstract but round shape. This particular piece is non-realistic in which the form of the breasts are in the shapes of what look like rain drops however they don’t look like actual female breasts but because of their placement it’s obvious that’s what they’re supposed to be.The entire has a plump like nature to in which it suggests that it’s a larger female, not your average female from this era. The thighs on the sculpture are also suggestive because not only are they round but they have a bit of an outline suggesting that they are extra-large which coincides with the rest of the sculpture. The sculptor gave this piece some very distinct features. In fact the most significant piece to this particular sculpture would be the buttocks. The buttocks literally are the largest feature on the sculpture and protrude the rest of the body. The thin yet round abdominal like structure gives the idea of a hin female but definitely a thick one. In contrast, the figure's upper torso is flat in profile with the arms typically framing V-shaped, pendant breasts. The pudgy, evidently idealized thighs narrow to tiny, stu mp like feet. However on the feet there are no toes and they don’t stretch out like they would on a regular human body. The body proportions are accurate in which you can tell that this sculpture is a very developed female with a very mature body. Looking at the sculpture there’s also a lot of age because its proportioned so well and has a lot of femininity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Adolescent Sexuality

SEXUALITY OVERVIEW Most teens and pre-teens have a lot of questions about sex and sexuality. This is normal and natural. It also is normal to feel shy or embarrassed about raising these issues with adults or healthcare providers. Sexual development is an important part of health, similar to other measures of physical growth, such as height and weight. Sexual behavior, which is related to sexual development, has important health implications for everyone, and especially for teens. It is particularly important that to be well informed about all aspects of sex and sexual health. Some basic information on sex and sexuality is provided in this review, which may answer some questions and raise others. Find an adult you feel comfortable with — perhaps a healthcare provider, parent, or teacher — to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. SEXUALITY: WHAT IS IT? Human sexuality is more than just whether you are male or female, and it is more than just the act of sex. It is a complex idea that involves your physical make-up, how you think about yourself, and how you feel about others and the society you live in. Here are some of the things that contribute to sexuality: Anatomic sex — Anatomic sex refers to the sex organs with which you were born. That is, you are either a boy (with a penis and testicles) or a girl (with breasts, a uterus, vagina, and ovaries). Occasionally, a baby is born with sex organs that are not normally developed and/or may appear to resemble both sexes; these individuals are said to have ambiguous genitalia or to be intersex. Anatomic sex is only one component of sexuality. Gender identity — Gender identity relates to how you feel inside, and whether you â€Å"feel† like a boy or a girl. Most people have a combination of feelings, including some that are thought of as â€Å"male† or â€Å"masculine† and some that are thought of as â€Å"female† or â€Å"feminine†. In most cases, someone feels mostly like a boy or mostly like a girl. Gender identity and anatomic sex sometimes do not match. For example, a person can be born as a boy but feel like a girl. This is sometimes referred to as transgender. Sexual orientation — Once you begin puberty, you are likely to begin to have strong physical and emotional attractions to others. Sexual orientation refers to whether you are primarily attracted to people of the opposite sex (heterosexual), the same sex as you (homosexual, gay, or lesbian), or both (bisexual). Sexual orientation is influenced by many factors, including your anatomic sex, your gender identity, the society you live in, and other factors, some of which are not completely understood. Sexual orientation is believed to exist on a continuum. That is, you may feel mostly attracted to people of the same sex as you but still have some feelings for people of the opposite sex, or vice versa. These feelings are normal and may change throughout life. ADOLESCENT SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT Sexual development begins in the pre-teen years and continues into adulthood. The body produces hormones that cause outward changes, including breast development in girls, the appearance of facial hair in boys, and growth of hair under the arms and in the genital area of both boys and girls. However, puberty is more than physical changes. As your body grows into adulthood, your way of thinking, emotions, and wants and needs will change as well. The factors discussed above (your anatomic sex, your gender identity, and your sexual orientation) will all become a part of how these changes affect you as a person. You will probably start to feel strong attractions toward others. Sometimes these feelings include developing friendships with other teenagers. Other feelings include wanting to be physically close to another person. You may find yourself attracted to someone of the opposite sex, someone of the same sex, or both. It's important to remember that these physical attractions can shift and change and that they develop at different times in different people. You may find you are attracted to someone of the same sex for a time, then find stronger attractions to someone of the opposite sex. Alternately, the reverse could occur. Over time, most teens will come to identify themselves as primarily heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. However, you should not be surprised if you feel confused about some of these issues during your teen years. This time of life may be troubling for teens who begin to identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual, especially if these ideas are not openly accepted by family members, friends, or the society in which they live. In this case, it is especially important for the teen to find a trusted adult and friends with whom he or she can talk openly. Several of the online resources listed below can also be of benefit (see ‘Where to get more information' below. It also is important to know that in the early years of puberty, it's normal to want to experiment with sexual activity. This often happens before a teenager is fully aware of how this activity might affect his or herself or others. As teens continue to grow and mature, they are better able to make choices about intimacy and physical relationships that will enhance their lives, rather than making choices that will cause problems for themselves or others. Adults generally recommend that teens not rush into sexual activity too soon, but rather wait until they are more mature. (See ‘Health issues related to sex' below. ) When you are sexually mature, you'll have a more developed sense of your preferences and desires. You will understand the possible consequences of having sexual relationships with others, and you will be ready to take responsibility for whatever occurs. You will be more ready to engage in the satisfying, intimate relationships that are an important part of life. SEXUAL ACTIVITY: THE FACTS There are many ways to express intimacy. Spending time with another person, holding hands, and kissing are all ways to show affection and begin to explore physical intimacy. As you develop attractions toward others, you will probably want to explore these and other types of physical intimacy. What might this involve? Most teens have questions about sex and sex acts. Here are some basic facts and definitions, including some important information about sexual boundaries; that is, what is and what is not OK as part of a sexual relationship. Genitals — Genitals are the external sex organs that are sensitive to and stimulated by being touched, which typically occurs during sexual activity. The male external organs are the penis and scrotum, which holds the testicles (figure 1). The female external organs are the vulva, clitoris, and the opening to the vagina (figure 2). Petting — Petting is feeling parts of another person's body. This usually refers to touching the genitals or other sexually sensitive areas, such as breasts. Orgasm — Orgasm is an intensely pleasurable release of tension felt in the genital area and elsewhere in the body. It usually results from stimulation of the genitals. In men and boys, orgasm is associated with the release of semen (called ejaculation), which contains sperm. The term â€Å"come† is a slang word for orgasm. Sexual intercourse — In general, this refers to sex involving a man's penis being placed inside a woman's vagina. When the man ejaculates during sexual intercourse, this semen is released into the woman's vagina. Pregnancy occurs if sperm, contained in the semen, are able to fertilize the egg released by a woman's ovary. However, semen can be released even if the man does not have an orgasm. Oral sex — Oral sex involves using the mouth and/or tongue to stimulate the genitals. Oral sex can occur between a man and a woman, between two men, or between two women. Anal sex — Anal sex is sexual activity involving penetration of the anus (the opening where bowel movements leave the body). A penis or another object is inserted into the anus during anal sex. Both men and women are able to engage in anal sex. Masturbation — Masturbation involves using the hands, or sometimes a device such as a vibrator or other sex toy, to stimulate one's own or someone else's genitals. Some people believe â€Å"having sex† only means sexual intercourse. But other activities, including oral sex, anal sex, or masturbation can also be considered as â€Å"having sex†. Even things like kissing or petting are considered to be sexual activity because they are part of how one person responds sexually to another person. Sexual boundaries — The only kind of sexual activity that is OK is activity that occurs between people who want to have sex with each other. Activity that occurs when a person is alone, such as masturbation, is also OK. If two people are having sex, both of them must be old enough and mature enough to participate without feeling pressured to prove something or try something new. If a sex act is forced upon a person who does not want to participate, this is called rape. Rape is a serious crime that can result in being arrested, spending time in jail, and having a permanent criminal record. Having sex with someone who is not sure they want to have sex can also be called rape. For teens, feelings about sex can be new and confusing. For example, sometimes a person begins kissing or petting but then changes their mind and wants to stop. The other person must always listen, even if it is very difficult to stop. It is not harmful to stop sex before orgasm occurs. Teens sometimes get into difficult situations if they are drinking or using drugs and having sex. In these cases, someone may seem to want sex, but they may be too drunk or high to know what they are doing. Later, the sex can be called rape. Teens may be lured into having sex with an adult. It is never OK for an adult to behave in this way. If an adult wants to engage in any type of sexual activity (kissing, petting, oral sex, intercourse), the teen should talk to a parent, healthcare provider, law officer, or other trusted adult at once. Even if you feel like you have done something to cause the adult to be attracted or have sexual feelings, the adult is responsible for controlling his or her behavior, regardless of the circumstances. Certain state laws, which vary from state to state, impose certain regulations or rules on sexual activity, even among teens. As discussed above, it is always a crime for anyone to force or coerce you into having sex against your wishes, no matter if it is an adult or someone around your own age. However, in some states, sex between teens below a certain age may also be illegal, even if both people want to have sex. Rules may depend upon the age of both partners and upon the sex of your other partner(s). Before deciding to have sex, speak to a trusted adult about these important issues. HEALTH ISSUES RELATED TO SEX The main reason it is important to postpone sexual activity until you are mature is that sexual activity affects both the physical and emotional health of the people involved. Here are some facts. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) — There are a number of infections that can be spread during sexual activity. Infections can be spread through sexual intercourse, anal sex, oral sex, and using fingers, other body parts, or sex toys that have come in contact with another person's genitals or body fluids. These diseases are called sexually transmitted infections, or STIs (often called sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs). Common places STIs can occur are the genital organs, anus, and throat. Research has shown that young people are at an increased risk of developing STIs. The reasons for this are not completely understood. However, the younger you are when you start having sex, the more likely it is that you will get an STI. Also, having one STI can make it easier to acquire other STIs at the same time. In many cases, you can get an STI and not know it. This is because STIs often do not have any noticeable signs or symptoms. All of the STIs can have serious consequences for future health. For example, a woman who gets an STI may have difficulty becoming pregnant later in life or may be more prone to developing certain types of cancer, such as cervical cancer. Some of the most important STIs are: HIV — HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). AIDS is a serious, incurable disease of the immune system. Until recently, everyone who developed AIDS died. Although new treatments are now helping many people with HIV infection live longer, there is still no cure for this serious disease or vaccine to prevent it. Many people still die each year from AIDS. Each year, between 40,000 and 80,000 people are newly infected with HIV. Half of these new infections are in people younger than 25 years old. New recommendations call for those who have been sexually active to be tested routinely for HIV infection. The earlier HIV is detected, the sooner a person can obtain treatment and the better their chances are of survival. Speak to your healthcare provider about HIV testing. (See â€Å"Patient information: Testing for HIV†. ) Human papillomavirus — Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common STI in adolescents. Most people who get HPV do not know they have it. Some types of HPV cause genital warts. Other types of HPV cause cervical cancer in woman, penile cancer in men, and anal cancer in either sex. A Pap smear is one important way your healthcare provider can screen for cervical cancer associated with HPV. (See â€Å"Patient information: Condyloma (genital warts) in women† and â€Å"Patient information: Cervical cancer screening†. ) In addition, there is a vaccine for girls age 9 to 26 years to protect against four common types of HPV. Speak to your healthcare provider about this important vaccine. (See â€Å"Patient information: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine†. ) Gonorrhea and chlamydia — These are serious bacterial infections of the genital tract. They can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women, which can cause severe pain and can lead to infertility (inability to become pregnant). Both gonorrhea and chlamydia can be cured with antibiotics. It is important to be screened for these infections if you have had sex, because you may not always have symptoms. (See â€Å"Patient information: Gonorrhea† and â€Å"Patient information: Chlamydia†. ) Herpes simplex virus — This is a viral infection that causes painful or itchy sores or blisters in the genital area. The sores heal but can reappear at any point later in life. There is no cure. The virus can be spread even when there are no blisters present. Medications are available from your healthcare provider to shorten the length of time the blisters last and decrease your risk of repeat outbreaks. (See â€Å"Patient information: Genital herpes†. ) Hepatitis B virus — This is a viral infection that can cause liver disease. In most cases, the disease resolves after the initial illness. But in some people, serious liver damage or liver failure can occur. Most children and adolescents are being vaccinated against this infection with a series of three shots. You should speak to your healthcare provider if you are not sure if you have had this vaccine. (See â€Å"Patient information: Hepatitis B†. ) Syphilis — This is an infection caused by a small organism called a spirochete (/SPY-ro-keet/), which can cause an ulcer on a person's genitals or anus. It is fairly uncommon in teens but more common in certain populations. Sometimes you may not notice the ulcer, because it does not usually cause pain or may be on the inside of the vagina (in females) or anus (in both sexes). It is important to see your healthcare provider right away if you notice any sores or ulcers. The sore usually heals but can cause important long-term problems if untreated. Trichomonas — Trichomonas (â€Å"trich†) is a common infection caused by a tiny parasite that can cause itching and/or a discharge from a person's genital organs. Females notice symptoms far more often than males, although both sexes can be affected and require treatment by a healthcare provider. This infection can be cured with antibiotics. PREVENTING AND SCREENING FOR STIS The only way to be sure you will not get an STI is to not have sex. STIs can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, and using fingers, other body parts, or sex toys that have come in contact with another person's genitals or body fluids. STIs can be transmitted between a male and a female, between two females, and between two males who have sex. It is not possible to tell by looking at someone whether he or she has an STI. Even if the other person tells you they do not have an STI or says they are â€Å"clean†, you cannot be sure this is true. That is because the person may not know if they are infected. Also, it is common for teens to not be completely truthful about many things in relationships, including whether they may have been exposed to an STI. Condom use — People who are sexually active can reduce their risk of getting an STI by using a latex or polyurethane condom every time they have sex. Male condoms are worn on the penis, helping to prevent body fluids from passing to another person. Female condoms are also available, and can be placed in the vagina to help prevent fluids from passing from one person to another. (If a male and female are having sex, only one should wear a condom. If both the male and female wear a condom, the condoms could rub together and move out of place. ) Dental dams are another barrier device that can be used when performing oral sex on a female. (See â€Å"Patient information: Barrier methods of birth control†. ) Condoms and dental dams reduce the risk of getting an STI, but they do not take away the risk completely. Condoms can break or leak, allowing passage of body fluids and transmission of infection. In addition, condoms do not completely cover all of the skin that is exposed during sex; herpes and HPV can be passed by skin-to-skin contact. Other birth control methods do not reduce the risk of STIs. You can reduce the risk that a male condom will break or slip off in two ways. First, make sure the penis is completely hard before putting on the condom. Also, be sure to squeeze and hold the tip of the condom as you roll the rest of it down the penis, making sure there is no air pocket (like a small balloon) at the end of the penis. Immunizations — Another way to reduce the risk of two specific STIs (HPV and hepatitis B) is to talk to a healthcare provider about immunizations. As previously mentioned, most children and adolescents are routinely immunized against hepatitis B in the United States. The HPV vaccine is now available to females aged nine years and older. Check ups — Regular check-ups by your healthcare provider are important to all adolescents, but it is particularly important to speak with a healthcare provider if you decide to have sex. This talk should include ways to prevent pregnancy and STIs, as well as the need for regular testing for STIs, including HIV. Since STIs can occur in different body sites (genital organs, anus, and throat) and may have no symptoms, it is important to speak honestly with the provider about sexual behavior to get appropriate testing. If your healthcare provider is not comfortable or able to screen you for STIs, ask for a referral to a provider who can. Pregnancy and birth control — Pregnancy is a serious consequence of sexual activity between males and females. Each year in the United States, about 1 million adolescents become pregnant. Pregnancy in teens has serious health consequences. Pregnant teens are more likely to have babies who are premature or sick. A pregnant adolescent is more likely to drop out of school and live in poverty. Although some teens who become pregnant choose to have an abortion, this choice also carries risks. As with STIs, the only way a young woman can be sure she will not become pregnant is to not have sexual intercourse. There is no reliable way to determine a â€Å"safe† time when she will not become pregnant; menstrual cycles at this age can be irregular. Teens should know that pregnancy is possible each time they have sexual intercourse, including the first time and during the menstrual period. Birth control methods are available that can reduce the risk of pregnancy. However, birth control methods other than condoms do not reduce the risk of STIs. The most reliable methods (other than abstinence) must be prescribed by a doctor or nurse. These include birth control pills, patches, and injections. Other newer options for females include a vaginal ring that is worn in the vagina or a small device that must be inserted under the skin by a healthcare provider. (See â€Å"Patient information: Hormonal methods of birth control†. ) Some methods, such as condoms and contraceptive foam, can be purchased without a prescription. A condom should be used every time you have sex, even if another method is used to prevent pregnancy. (See â€Å"Patient information: Barrier methods of birth control†. ) If you use birth control but have an accident (the condom breaks, you forget a pill), you can take a â€Å"morning after pill† to reduce the risk of pregnancy. (See â€Å"Patient information: Emergency contraception (morning after pill)†. ) Teens who engage in sexual activity must be sure they have accurate information about the available birth control options. The best time to decide on a method of birth control is before you start having sex.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Auebach Enterprises Essay Example for Free

Auebach Enterprises Essay These are not presented in scholarly discussion, but are simply the solutions. Student papers are expected to be written in scholarly discussion following APA formatting guidelines incorporating solutions and supported with scholarly research. Auerbach Enterprises manufactures air conditioners for automobiles and trucks manufactured throughout North America. The company designs its products with flexibility to accommodate many makes and models of automobiles and trucks. The company’s two main products are MaxiFlow and Alaska. MaxiFlow uses a few complex fabricated parts, but these have been found easy to assemble and test. On the other hand, Alaska uses many standard parts but has a complex assembly and testing process. MaxiFlow requires direct materials costs which total $135 per unit, while Alaska’s direct materials requirements total $110 per unit. Direct labor costs per unit are $75 for MaxiFlow and $95 for Alaska. Auerbach Enterprises uses machine hours as the cost driver to assign overhead costs to the air conditioners. The company has used a company-wide predetermined overhead rate in past years, but the new controller, Bennie Leon, is considering the use of departmental overhead rates beginning with the next year. The following planning information is available for the next year for each the four manufacturing departments within the company: Overhead Machine Costs Hours Radiator parts fabrication†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. $ 80,000 10,000 Radiator assembly, weld, and test†¦. 100,000 20,000 Compressor parts fabrication†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 120,000 5,000 Compressor assembly and test†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 180,000 45,000 Total $480,000 80,000 Normally, the air conditioners are produced in batch sizes of 20 at a time. A production batch of 20 units requires the following number of hours in each department: MaxiFlow Alaska Radiator parts fabrication†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 28 16 Radiator assembly, weld, and test†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 30 74 Compressor parts fabrication†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 32 8 Compressor assembly and test†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 26 66 Total 116 164 Required: 1. Compute the departmental overhead rates using machine hours as the cost driver. 2. Compute a company-wide overhead rate using machine hours as the cost driver. 3. Compute the overhead costs per batch of MaxiFlow and Alaska assuming: (a) The company-wide rate. (b) The departmental rates. 4. Compute the total costs per unit of MaxiFlow and Alaska assuming: (a) The company-wide rate.  (b) The departmental rates. 5. Is one product affected more than the other by use of departmental rates rather than a company-wide rate? Why or why not? Auebach Enterprises. (2016, Apr 21).

Research & Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research & Presentation - Essay Example D.). In keeping up with communication in an organization effectively, and efficiently a Human Resources manager is overseeing the importance of proper communication between lower level Human Resource managers, and senior level Human Resource managers. Having a stable, and reliable Information Technology system will ensure that the Human Resource managers will be kept up to date, and promptly informed if there is a change in anything, anywhere in the organization. This means if an organization is a multinational company the organization will benefit from having an up-to-date Information Technology department. The Human Resource management team will be able to communicate effectively, and efficiently with Human Resource managers in another nation. Having an effective, and reliable Information Technology system is important because if the Human Resources management team is not able to communicate effectively and efficiently with members of the team within the organization, the company w ill not remain competitive. Before a company can remain competitive a company needs to implement an Information Technology department, and everyone within the organization needs to communicate effectively, and efficiently. Company’s who are not contemporary companies and make use of Information Technology, and the computer cannot compete effectively with larger, more experienced companies who do utilize Information Technology. The Human Resources manger is able to keep files on employees in a database on the computer. The database is part of the Information Technology system. When Human Resource managers maintain records on employees in a database, Human Resource managers are able to maintain accurate information about an employees performance. In keeping accurate information on employee performances Human Resource managers will know when it comes time to terminate an employee. Human Resource managers maintain positive information about employees as well. Having the positive information at the Human Resource managers fingertips will allow a Human Resources manager to know when to give an employee a raise. Traditionally, Human Resource managers would maintain accurate information on the employee benefits package. This was done manually, and the information was stored in a file in a filing cabinet in the Human Resource managers office. Today, the Human Resource management team will maintain accurate information on employee benefit packages through the use of a database. This information can be shared with other Human Resource managers, and others within the organization who are in need of the information with the use of the Information Technology system. With the use of a reliable, and effective Information Technology system senior Human Resource managers are able to effectively communicate within the organization a number of important information. The Human Resource managers have come to rely on the Information Technology system to effectively do their j ob. When a company has an Information Technology system in place the company can effectively communicate within the organization whether, or not the company is a multinational company. The Information

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Relations and Modeling of GDP and House price index of USA Statistics Project

Relations and Modeling of GDP and House price index of USA - Statistics Project Example AS argued by Strawser, et al. (2014), the financial and the mortgage meltdown of 2007-2008, meant that the house price indexes were affected. This study attempts to shed some light on the relationship between the Housing Price Index (HPI) and the Gross Domestic Product of USA amidst all the economic variations since 1993-2009. While this study is limited by the realization that we cannot draw causal inferences without scientific experimentation, the research and data statistical significance suggests that a relationship exists. For valid causal conclusions, we need an experiment with both a control and conditioned group which would be difficult to stage. The data used in this report has been adopted from the GDP and other key economic reports, world economic outlook reports; IMF reports of 2008 among other economically related data that helped define the objective of the study. The readily available data sources on housing and GDP for the U.S. were investigated. The Bureau of Economic Analysis was the first and best source to get adjusted GDP numbers annually. The following hypothesis was pursued: The study pursued an overall or general objective of determining the relations and modeling of the GDP and the House price Index of USA. In order to perform this task, it was realized in the study that establishing a simple regression model linking the relations the GDP and the House price Index of USA would be very critical for the study to achieve its objective. In the process, errors in the model were tested so as to build another regression model. ARIMA model for both the GDP and the house prices index in the U.S. were used to determine the formula of the relationship between these two important economic variables. With the data, the U.S. house price indexes and the U.S.-Real GDP (in billions of dollars) were extracted from 1st January of 1993 to December the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How the company seeks to deliver customer value Essay - 1

How the company seeks to deliver customer value - Essay Example Basically, the purpose of this report is to explicate different media through which a company attempts to deliver real customer value by using example of Walmart which is an American multinational retail corporation and famously runs a large chain of department stores around the world. The success of this renowned business corporation is such that it is consistently ranked by Forbes as one of the top businesses operating worldwide. As it is one of the world’s most prestigious companies, currently over two million employees are privately employed at Walmart. It is also the largest grocery retailer in the US. There are already 8500 stores operating in as many as 15 countries under different names and the head of Walmart has thrown light on more plans for growth on an international level. This company stands distinguished among a growing crowd of aspiring organizations because the managers vigorously and regularly collaborate with employees to meet dynamic public needs and gain m ore customers. Not only customer intimacy is considered an important standard at Walmart, but the ramifications of promotion, distribution, and pricing policies are also carefully scrutinized which substantially helps in improving the satisfaction rate and delivering quality service. Organizational Objectives: One of the principal objectives of Walmart as identified by Mike Duke who is the current CEO of the organization is related to speeding up its expansion process to reach out to all people scattered around the world. He claimed in one address that in order to prioritize customer value, a more customer-focused approach is the need of the time and to stay ahead of other reputable organizations in current business environment to further this objective, Walmart will have to speed up its growth process (Daniel 2012). This objective identifies a fierce desire to gain recognition by delivery customer value. Astute assessment of customer satisfaction is considered critically important because that eni gmatically assists in acknowledging what is valued by customers and that information can then be processed to gain a competitive edge over less knowledgeable rival organizations. Same has always been the tendency of Walmart marketers and managers and has consequently brought the company considerable success. Marketers can draw conclusions on what customers value only with the help of comprehensive knowledge in that context which can be gained by serving dynamic needs of a diverse line of customers as explicated by Duke (Daniel 2012). General consensus is that innovation is one of the key determinants of competitive advantage and this idea is fully respected at Walmart which invests extra efforts into integrating innovation in its organizational design or structure. Now, the idea of value can only be defined by the customers which is why integrating innovation in its products is infinitely stressed at Walmart to satisfy the target groups. It is repeatedly claimed that not only innova tion is an important source of business growth but it also executes a phenomenal influence on customer value which is the essence of all marketing operations carried out by Walmart corporation. Many marketing models have been

Friday, July 26, 2019

Holiday Song Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Holiday Song Research - Essay Example James Pierpont was an American composer (Anderson). Jingle Bells’ original name was One Horse Open Sleigh, it was only released under the name Jingle Bells in 1859. This song was composed in English. The song sings of the jingle of the bells placed on a horses reins while pulling an open sleigh in the snow. Although Jingle Bells is associated with December, it was never written for the holidays in December. It was just a popular song people sung in the winter months to begin with. Only over the years did the song come to represent December holidays. I learned Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer riding home on the school bus in the first grade. I did not care at the time Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer had been composed by an American writer named Johnny Mack. Johnny Mack copyrighted this song in 1949. The song was composed in English. Johnny Mack published two other Christmas songs (Anderson). They were A Holly Jolly Christmas and Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree. Every school child in America sympathizes with poor Rudolph. The little reindeer is ostracized because of a big bright red nose. Rudolph is vindicated once he helps Santa navigate his sleigh in the snow. Everyone loved him then. I think all school children root for the underdog. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer reminds everyone that there is always hope. This song also passes down the belief in Santa Clause. Mariah Carey and Walter Afanasieff composed All I Want for Christmas Is You together. Mariah Carey is American, while Walter Afanasieff comes from Brazil. All I Want for Christmas Is You was recorded in English. The song’s release date was Christmas of 1994. All I Want for Christmas Is You is sung by Mariah Carey. She makes her intentions clear. All she wants for Christmas is her lover. I think everyone can relate. Most people want to be with their lover over the holidays. Nine times out of ten, lovers fight over the holidays, but that one time out of the ten

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Research Essay Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Essay - Research Proposal Example Graphics, not words, typically announced the name of a place of business within the towns and villages which were conveniently given names such as the â€Å"Golden Lion† or the â€Å"Boar’s Head.† This seemingly primitive use of symbols to provide a quick and easy message to customers continues to be used today in the form of company logos. Study of these various means of expression has provided historians with much information about the social issues and available technology of the time in which they were created. While graphic design has thus had a long and uninterrupted history, â€Å"the turn of a century precipitates introspection† (Meggs, 2005) and causes us to take a new look at the graphic art of our own world to ascertain what it is saying about our world. â€Å"As shapers of messages and images, Graphic Designers have an obligation to contribute meaningfully to a public understanding of environmental and social issues. Graphic designers have a r esponsibility to adapt new technology and to express their zeitgeist by inventing new forms and new ways of expressing ideas† (Meggs, 2005). The insights that the depth and variety of 20th century graphic design provides regarding the profound changes happening in today’s graphic design industry are revealed in the various art forms that have developed over time. Contemporary graphics are designed to be more functional and effective in response to social issues and technology which has helped designers to be more efficient in working today. The roots of what today’s researchers identify as the modern period are generally recognized to be twined about the natural forms and artistic investigations of the Arts and Crafts Movement of the 1860s and the Art Nouveau movement of the 1890s. William Morris is the acknowledged founder of the Arts and Crafts Movement in direct response to the ever-encroaching and dehumanizing standardization of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Biomass Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Biomass Energy - Essay Example For industrial nations it was the main energy source until the early 1900s and, in fact, many developing nations still rely on it to provide for most of their energy needs (Callà ©, et al., 1). This paper discusses the sources of biomass energy, its pros and cons and draws conclusions about its feasibility and economic viability. Biomass refers to the organic matter found in agricultural crops, trees as well as other living-plant material. It is solar energy stored up in organic matter. Carbohydrates and organic compounds formed in growing plant-life make up biomass. In the process of photosynthesis, the sun’s energy converts carbon dioxide into carbohydrates (cellulose, sugars and starches). When living plants die, they decay, the energy stored in carbohydrates is released and carbon dioxide discharged back into the atmosphere. Since the growth of new trees and other plants replenishes the supply, biomass is a renewable source of energy (, 1). Globally, people use biomass fuel for cooking in households as well as in numerous institutions and cottage industries, food processing industries, metal working industries, weaving industries, tile making and brick industries, bakeries among others. In recent times, people have set up many new plants to provide biomass energy directly through combustion, to produce electricity, or in combined heat and power facilities or ethanol through fermentation (Calle, et al., 2). In the Pacific Northwest, people have used biomass as a source of energy for meeting their needs ever since the region’s earliest occupants burned wood for heat in their campfires (, 1). Advantages of Using Biomass Energy The most important of the pros of biomass energy is that it is carbon neutral. It does not lead to any net increase in the emissions of carbon dioxide to the environment. Biomass is a constituent of the carbon cycle and as discussed earlier, during photosynthesis, plants absorb carbo n from the atmosphere and once the plant is burnt or decays, the carbon returns into the atmosphere. Since it is a cycle, other plants absorb that carbon again, in such a way that a balance between the amount of carbon that plants extract from the atmosphere and the amount of carbon that biomass fuel releases into the atmosphere is attained. Biomass fuels are therefore clean – they do not lead to the risk of change in global climate (, 4). Moreover, as Ghosh explains, the electricity generated by biomass briquettes (substances that produce electricity) is far much cleaner compared to fossil fuel-generated electricity. Another advantage of using biomass energy is that it provides a way of disposing waste materials that would otherwise be environmental hazards (, 4). Biomass energy is also a renewable and inexhaustible source of energy. The products obtained are bio-fuel and biogas. Electricity and heat are generated during the production of bioma ss energy. The use of biomass energy also helps in the management of solid waste thereby keeping us free from pollution. Daily burning of biological wastes decreases the levels of carbon emitted into the atmosphere. It therefore ensures that there exists an ecological balance of carbon in the environment (Ghosh, 4). Compared to oil and coal, biomass energy is not expensive. They typically cost roughly 33% less than fossil fuels performing the same task. This means that every year, one can spend 33% less on heating his/her home, which amounts to a substantial saving in a period of 10 or 15 years. Moreover, biomass is readily accessible in large quantities all over the globe – there is overabundance of agricultural and organic waste

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Revolutionary War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Revolutionary War - Essay Example Many of these tribes remained neutral. For centuries the tribes were dominated by the land-hungry colonists, and these tribes feared that the war would bring back the colonists in place of the British. Hence, there were those tribes, the loyalists, who fought on the side of the British, and battled against the colonists on their own. The patriots considered the Indians as a threat during the war. The Patriots identified the Native Americans as savages which only proved their extreme dislike for the tribes. The American Revolutionary War was in many ways a civil war. This can be said because most of the land oriented wars were fought within the United States. Secondly, loyalists who proved their allegiance to the British crown formed 20 to 30 percent of the population. The loyalist groups in many places openly battled against the patriots.1 It is believed that the neutrals formed the largest group. Since a large number of Americans remained in a dilemma whether or not to support the B ritish crown, the war became a battleground to win the confidence of the wider population. If the Patriots with their propaganda agenda could manage to divert the public psychology towards revolution, then it would be an utter failure for the British. After that, the British would lose the allegiance of the common people even if they could gain military victory. Therefore, the British understood the need to garner support from the American public. Many colonists had threefold reasons to support the British – some supported the British in anticipation of military victory, some joined the British side merely out of loyalty, while there were farmers who sold their lands to the British for profit. The loyalists spread misinformation about the patriots, infiltrated within the patriots. The loyalists persistently planted seeds of discord within the wider population. However, in the long run the patriots managed to garner more public support with their war of propaganda. The patriot s felt threatened by the loyalists on the home front and so did everything to weaken their strength by arresting them, seizing and burning their property. They subjugated the loyalists by using violence on them.2 Eventually, many of the loyalists left the American soil to settle in Canada, Florida, West Indies or Britain. An estimated 100,000 loyalists left America and they were branded as traitors. The public wrath against the loyalists declined in the 1790s and they could again reenter the American mainstream society. Violence against them ceased, although laws against them remained unchanged till the War of 1812.3 The British faced many military limitations to retain the loyalist’s support like they could not use harsh measures to suppress rebellions. This was an advantage for the patriots, although many neutral colonists were forced to join the ranks of the Revolutionaries. II. What role did women and Native Americans play in the Revolution? The American Revolutionary War was essentially a colonial war fought between the British and the colonists. Between 1772 and 1774 when the tension was at peak, many public figures convinced the ordinary citizens to participate in the war against British oppression. Through the means of propaganda the citizens were provoked against the British

Technology in the Classroom Essay Example for Free

Technology in the Classroom Essay There is no doubt technology had transformed teaching and the way students learn; however, in the world of education, there are those who believe technology is a vital asset in the classroom and there are those who completely oppose it. Either way, technology has become the leading force in society today; no one can escape it. It is important for educators to find the most effective ways of using technology in the classroom without relying solely on it. The keys to effective use of technology are remaining involved in the learning process of the student while using technology, keep teachers trained on new technology available, and never overusing it. Using technology effectively in the classroom will help develop a student who is ready and able to face the post graduation world successfully. In Becoming a Teacher, Parkay and Stanford, claim 46 percent of teachers use computers in the classroom on a weekly basis. These statistics are from the seventh edition, so it is safe to say those numbers have clearly risen and now have quite an impact in the classroom. With increasing use of technology, teachers need to make sure they are committed to the inclusion of technology in their lesson plan by developing new assessment techniques to evaluate students’ work. For instance, a teacher cannot simply grade a student on correct answers because he or she could have simply looked them up via the internet; the teacher must evaluate what the student is learning based on evidence of critical thinking and real-world problem solving. Plagiarism may become an issue with the use of technology, so it is important for educators to explain the importance of students’ writing their own material and citing sources they may have used. Parkay and Stanford also claim that, although school districts are developing new approaches to providing teachers with support for integrating technology, they are not spending an adequate amount of money on the training. With the abundance of technology available to teachers, it is important for them to receive sufficient and ongoing training. Teachers are doing everything from emailing parents to designing complete lessons that require student so use the Internet as a resource and part of their participation; these educators need to remain proficient in the ways they choose to use technology. Also, some claims are being made that students are becoming more â€Å"tech savvy† than the educators and this puts the teachers at a disadvantage when assessing the students learning. Teachers are beginning to rely on the students for help in the classroom and this sets an uneven tone in the classroom; teachers will lose their credibility. Once educators begin to realize how powerful a tool the computer can be to learning, they must resist the urge to rely solely on it. It must remain clear that the computer and the Internet is just another form of literacy available to them while teaching. A lesson plan should include reading, writing, listening, speaking, and the use of technology for visual and audio stimulation. Although technology provides students with the ability to learn in a nonlinear fashion, they still need other learning tools that will provide a basis for effective overall learning. Teachers need to remain in control of the classroom lesson and not leave the students to fend for themselves while using technology. Some critics believe teachers are, in fact, overusing technology. They claim computers will not improve education, and therefore, are not needed in the classroom. Some claim older effective teaching methods will be thrown out and overlooked because of the convenience of technology. There are many difficult questions surrounding if technology should remain at the center of learning, or if teachers should consider using them as only sources of entertainment. I believe, technology provides students with effective ways of learning that keep them on-track with the increasing technological world we live in and if teachers utilize it correctly, it will prove to be an effective strategy for teaching.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Photographers during the Harlem Renaissance Essay Example for Free

Photographers during the Harlem Renaissance Essay The years between World War I and the Great Depression was a period of prosperity for the United States. 1 There were plenty of jobs in the city especially in the North which caused 750,000 African Americans to migrate from the South. Harlem, a section of New York City, drew a great number of African Americans, consequently making it the largest community of African Americans in the whole world. In the 1920’s, the African Americans that have settled in Harlem experienced a â€Å"spiritual coming of age† and were able to find an opportunity for â€Å"group expression and self determination. 2 As a result, literature, art, music and social commentary, usually concerning the African-American culture, began to flourish in Harlem. 3 Originally called the New Negro Movement, the revolution became more popular as Harlem Renaissance. Aside from writers, dancers, blues and jazz artists, the Harlem Renaissance was able to produce renowned photographers that became known for their own creative ways of depicting the literary and socially revolutionary era. This paper will present the photography styles of three photographers from the Harlem Renaissance namely: James VanDerZee, Carl Van Vechten and Gordon Parks. James VanDerZee Born on June 29, 1886 in Lennox, Massachusetts, VanderZee is almost completely self-taught in photography. 4 He started taking pictures as a child but got his first exposure in photography when he worked as a darkroom assistant in Newark, New Jersey in 1915. He ultimately became a portraitist and returned to Harlem in 1916, setting up his own portrait studio at a music conservatory that his sister founded in 1911. He soon set about the business of photographing Harlem. Prominent citizens, socialites, political and religious leaders graced his studio. 5 The portrait of Bill â€Å"Bojangles† Robinson, the famous tap dancer, taken in 1933 is shown in a double portrait. He also 3 photographed Florence Mills, a famous actress during that era; Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. , minister of Abyssinian Baptist Church; Jack Johnson, former heavyweight champion; and Marcus Garvey, the African American nationalist who promoted a â€Å"Back to Africa† movement in the 1920’s. 6 VanderZee also photographed ordinary African Americans, usually during momentous occasions in their lives such as weddings or funerals. Since infant mortality was higher during his time than it is now, VanDerzee was often asked to take a picture of a loved one who had died so that the bereaved family will have something in remembrance of their departed loved ones. 7 His pictures were ultimately published as Harlem Book of the Dead. In his portraits of children, he positions the child as if asleep and usually holding their favorite toy. In other cases, he inserts pictures of angels and photographs of the child when he was still alive, into the pictures of the dead body that he took. He does this in order to â€Å"take the gruesomeness of the picture† and make it look like the children suffer no longer but have found rest. One of the trademarks of VanDerZee’s photographs is his depiction of his fellow African Americans as beautiful and dignified. 7 One of his well-known works, The Couple at Harlem, taken in 1932, shows a couple dressed in raccoon coats posing beside their Cadillac. This portrait, characteristic of VanDerZee, shows security and prosperity in the neighborhood. As early as the 1930’s, VanDerzee was already experimenting with photography styles. He already does retouching of photographs, at times even adding adornments to the pictures that he took. He erases wrinkles, adds jewelry, and creates his own backdrop in order to create a touch entirely his own. 7 He may sometimes cut down the mouth or sharpen the nose in order to make the image more pleasing to look at. VanDerZee, when working in 4 his studio, used plenty of props such as backdrops, costumes and architectural elements in order to achieve a photograph with an air of Victorian and Edwardian era to it. 4 The Couple At Harlem. [Online Image] Available http://ls. berkeley. edu/~shiffrar/photog/vanderzee. jpg, 1932 VanDerzee also experimented with other photographic techniques such as the double-exposure technique. This style was used in The Last Goodbye, Overseas, which features a wartime cartoon superimposed on the photograph of a soldier. The viewer, upon looking at the soldier’s photograph will be able to see his thought as he remembers his lost companions. 5 By the same technique, he created Future Expectations (Wedding Day, Harlem) which features a bride and groom posing in front of a fireplace. A dream-like image of their future daughter, holding a doll in her lap, appears next to the couple. VanDerZee, then etched into the negative the image of a heart linked together, which is found inside the fireplace. 5 Future Expectations. [Online Image] Available http://www. sptimes. com/News/022201/Weekend/Portrait_of_a_communi. shtml, 1926 Carl Van Vechten Van Vechten spent most of his life not really as a photographer but as a writer. He published essays relating to music, ballet and cats – the feline creatures being his obsession. He wrote his first novel in 1922, and published the highly controversial novel, â€Å"Nigger Heaven† in 1926. 8 Unlike VanDerZee who photographs celebrities and common people of both genders, Van Vechten’s photographs involve mostly women. He seem to be passionately interested in female portraits for even as a youth in Iowa, he took photographs of his paternal grandmother and later on of two little black girls in front of a beach house in Ohio. 9 Van Vechten sometimes prints these photos to use in regular correspondence. Some of his more famous subjects include jazz artists Ella Fitzgerald and Bessie Smith.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

To which extent do host country effects influence HRM

To which extent do host country effects influence HRM In the past century, globalisation became a buzzword. The economy growth entailed workplaces and standards of living. National based companies became multinational companies, which included a change in the old fashioned way of doing business. Nowadays, companies have to face the local needs of different countries while focusing on the companys global goals. Finding the right mix of these two forces is one of the main challenges for the Human Resource (HR) management department of a multinational company. Discussion Facts about cultural differences There are different ways of responding to the local needs of different countries. Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are companies which have mostly autonomic subsidiaries in their operating countries. These subsidiaries work independent and are so called stand-alone businesses. They want to satisfy local needs and address the customers directly. However, MNEs are still influenced by the parent company, but, vice versa, the subsidiary also affects its parent company (institutional effects). Multinational companies have a high responsiveness and a low global efficiency (Snell Bohlander, 2007). The high responsiveness affects the Human Resource department of a company. The main challenge for the HR department in a multinational enterprise is to find the balance of global standardization and localization. Global standardization mainly focuses on the companys culture and its strategy and structure, which finally leads to its goals. Localization is more concerned on the host country itself including cultural and institutional environment. Both modes deal with the firm size and maturity (Zagelmeyer, 2010). The cultural environment of a country consists of the education, social structure, values and ideologies, communication, and religion (Snell Bohlander, 2007). These factors are very important for company decisions. Therefore, it is the task of the Human Resource departments to face the five factors, which are defined by Geert Hofstede: 1 Power distance, which deals with how power is distributed in a country and how the inhabitants accept this distribution. 2 Uncertainty avoidance, which is about how uncertainty is tolerated in a country. 3 Masculinity describes the role of genders in a country. 4 Individualism examines to which extent people are integrated into a group. 5 Long-term orientation is about the degree to which people plan and consider the future and how important values and traditions are for them (Nevins, Bearden Money, 2006). Other factors which influence cultural differences are: 6 Human orientation which refers to the degree to which inhabitants of a country are fair, altruistic, generous, caring and kind to others (Zagelmeyer, 2010). 7 Assertiveness is about the degree to which inhabitants are assertive, confrontational and aggressive in the relation with others. 8 Future orientation, to which degree people behave future oriented. 9 Performance orientation discusses to which degree people are able to receive and give performance outcomes analyses (Zagelmeyer 2010). Impact of cultural and institutional differences on HRM All these nine factors define the culture of a country and the company operating in this country and therefore Human Resource management should adapt when needed. To get a closer understanding of how these factors influence Human Resource management, we have to analyze its different practices. It starts with recruitment and selection. In countries like the United States, the Human Resource departments look for employees who are able to work in a collectivistic work environment. Team players are highly wanted. Here, collectivism plays a major role whilst it is the opposite in countries like China as these societies are low in group-collectivism (Zagelmeyer, 2010). The Human Resource department would look for someone who is able to accept decisions and rules from above without questioning them. Past individual achievements are very important for job selections in individualistic countries. The different education systems (public and private) also influence the recruitment and selection process. This also affects the training and development practice, which is another Human Resource management task. The challenge is to find the right mix of masculinity in a country. In some countries like the United Kingdom it is normal that women are in high positions, whilst other countries like Japan do not accept females in such an extent. The compensation of employees also differs from country to country. The main task for HR is to find the balance between a fixed- or a performance-based salary depending on the uncertainty levels of the host country. High on uncertainty avoidance implies that employees tend to prefer a fixed salary and in societies with low on uncertainty avoidance, employees are more risk tolerated and therefore accept performance-based salary like bonus payments (Zagelmeyer, 2010). Countries with high uncertainty avoidance are for example Russia and Japan, which stand in contrast to countries like Sweden and Great Britain. The institutional effects are influenced by state regulations such as minimum wages, which HR has to take into consideration, too. The last Human Resource management assignment is about task completion. In this tool, collectivism versus individualism plays a major role. In a country like the United States, tasks are often completed in groups where teamwork is very important. In China, this is rather unusual as individual performance is much more important. In terms of the institutional context, this means that tasks are gender divided according to the host country. These are just some examples how host countries effects influence Human Resource management. These examples show that there is a high effect on Human Resource management, especially if countries differ in their dimensions. Generally, it is easier for a parent company to open a subsidiary in a country with similar cultures, traditions and regulations. Conclusion Nowadays, companies have to go abroad to stay competitive, and therefore a country analysis like the one made by Geert Hofstede can help to identify potential conflicts and define different approaches to individual tasks. However, one has to say that the effect of a host country towards Human Resource management is huge and comprises a high degree of potential conflicts but nevertheless there are many ways to balance these issues. As mentioned above, finding the right mix between companys interests and cultural awareness is crucial to survive in a globalized world.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Retinitis pigmentosa is a genetic disorder that causes blindness in the people that are affected by it. I chose retinitis pigmentosa because my grandmother has this genetic disorder. The disorder is very costly on those who have it. The disorder has robbed my grandmother of the life she wanted. She is no longer able to do the things she once was. She is legally blind, cannot drive, and has trouble getting around crowded areas. Retinitis pigmentosa was discovered by Doctor Donders in 1857. Retinitis pigmentosa is a very serious disorder in how it occurs, its signs and symptoms, its prevalence, and how its treated. Retinitis pigmentosa is caused by damage to the retina of the eye. The retina is the light sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye. The retina focuses images in the brain and then sends them via electrical signals up to the brain. The retina is a very important part of the eye to help a person see. What is affected in the retina from this disorder are the rods in the eye. The rods allow a person to see in the dark. Retinitis pigmentosa slowly causes the rods in the eye to deteriorate over time. Retinitis pigmentosa also can cause the cones in people’s eyes to deteriorate. If a person’s cones deteriorate first, then the person first develops blindness in the center of their eye and they lose some of their color vision. This form of retinitis pigmentosa is much rarer than the form that deteriorates the rods in the eyes. Retinitis pigmentosa can be caused in a person in numerous ways. It normally runs in families, however, it can also be caused from a mutation. We believe my grandmother developed the disorder from a genetic mutation, as no one else in my family has ever had the disorder or has developed it as of... health. Wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes also slows the affects, as sunglasses put less strain on the retinas. Quitting smoking at any point in life can help preserve retinal health. Smoking has been linked to retinal damage. The prognosis for those with retinitis pigmentosa is they will live just as long as a normal person. Early death is not linked to retinitis pigmentosa. The only problems that the person will have are vision problems. Each person has a different experience with retinitis pigmentosa. No one case is like another. The genetic disorder retinitis pigmentosa is very serious. It is very complex, as it has multiple ways to be inherited. The symptoms are serious and handicap the victims for life. It is very prevalent in society, and there is no treatment. Future research into this debilitating disorder will offer hope to those affected by it.

The Masque o the Red Death Essay -- essays research papers

Edgar Allen Poe's The Masque of the Red Death is an elaborate allegory/microcosm that combines objects in the story with visual descriptions to give focus to the reader's imagination. In the story, a prince named Prospero tries to dodge the Red Death through isolation and seclusion. He hides behind seemingly impenetrable walls of his castellated abbey and lets the world take care of its own. However, no walls can stop death because it is inescapable and inevitable. Visual descriptions in the story are used to symbolize death. Poe's use of language and symbolism is shown in his description of the seventh room in the suite, the ebony clock, and the fire. The first symbolic mean of death is depicted in the seventh room in the suite. Poe says, "The seventh apartment was closely shrouded in black velvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down the walls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same material and hue". He uses the seventh room to symbolize the final stage of life, death. He sees the black velvet tapestries as blood flowing from the ceiling and walls to the floor. The relationship between blood and death is important because he wants the reader to have a visual image of the blood pouring down the walls as a form of death. The fire lighting the suite of rooms is another object in the story that represented death. He says, "...There stood, opposit...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Catching Them Early :: essays papers

Catching Them Early Richmond, California, is a predominately low-income city across the bay from San Francisco. In some of its hard-pressed neighborhoods, children are at high risk of gang involvement, drug abuse, and violence and teen pregnancy. But instead of relying only on law enforcement agencies to keep children safe, the people of Richmond have taken matters into their own hands. Community agencies and schools are working together to break the cycle of poverty and violence. "Catching Them Early" profiles the extraordinary efforts of Richmond's Lincoln Elementary School to ensure a bright future for its children. Ninety-nine percent of the kids attending Lincoln qualify for federal meal subsidies; many have family members in a gang. So the school makes special efforts, including the hiring of outreach workers, to provide the kind of support kids need to stay in class and do well. Teenagers in Richmond find support at Families Unites, an unusual community health organization that has made crime prevention part of its mission. Families Unites and its caseworkers like outreach worker Gonzalo Rucobo, who was himself once a gang member, help kids stay out of gangs and avoid conflicts that can lead to violence. "Catching Them Early" observes one teenager's struggle to remove himself from gang violence without alienating his old friends. "Two of my friends," he says, "have got shot down, [and] they were not banging' anymore. I'm just trying to stay out of trouble. I don't say I'm lucky until probably ten years from now. You never know who's going to come up behind you." "Catching Them Early" also explores how Richmond is responding to the growing tendency of teenage girls to become involved in violence and crime. Richmond targets teen mothers, providing them with training in child rearing and help in anticipating the difficulties they will encounter, and makes a special effort through programs like Head Start to make sure that young children get the support they need to become successful students. "Richmond is inspiring," says series writer/producer Roger Grief, "because it's a community under pressure that is challenging its youth crime problem without relying solely on cops, courts, and corrections.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


How? to? Study? for? Economics 1. Be? best? friend? with? your? textbook. The? lecture? notes? are? complements,? not? substitutes,? of? your? textbook.? a. If? you? have? a? question,? chances? are? it? has? been? answered? in? your? textbook. Some? people? never? realize? that? because? they? never? read? their? textbook? (not? at? all? or? not? carefully? enough).? b. Read? the? relevant? sections? immediately? after? the? class,? when? your? memory? is? the? freshest.? c. Before? the? next? class? begins,? spend? 15? to? 30? minutes? to? quickly? read? through? the? materials? overed? in? the? previous? class,? so? that? you? are? not? completely? lost? in? this? week’s? materials? and? you? know? the? context? of? today’s? lecture,? especially? when? the? class? materials? are? cumulative.? 2. Don’t? read? your? textbook? and? lecture? notes? superficially. Think? about? what? you? read. Question? what? you? read.? a. Check? whether? you? understand? the? lo gic? of? the? arguments.? b. Check? whether? you? can? re? construct? the? logic? of? the? arguments? without? looking? at? your? notes? or? textbook.? c. Check? whether? you? know? what? the? graphs? nd? mathematical? equations? mean? intuitively.? i. Do? you? know? what? the? slope? means ii. Do? you? know? what? will? shift? the? curve iii. Do? you? know? what? the? mathematical? equations? mean? in? simple? English iv. Can? you? see? that? both? the? math? and? the? graphs? are? saying? the? same? thing? in? simple? English 3. Understand? that? math? is? really? a? language. So? you? should? be? able? to? say? what? the? mathematical? equations? say? in? simple? English. Similarly,? graphs? are? also? a? language. So? you? should? be? able? to? say? what? the? graphs? ay? in? simple? English? as? well.? 4. When? you? study,? don’t? memorize? what? you? read,? understand? the? logic? and? the? arguments.? 5. When? you? answer? questions,? don’t? regurgitate? everyth ing? you? remember,? analyze? the? problem? using? the? logic? and? arguments? that? you? understood. 6. Don’t? think? you? can? â€Å"smoke†? through? the? final? exam? with? â€Å"on? the? one? hand,? this†¦? On? the? other? hand,? that†¦. †? kind? answers. It? may? or? may? not? have? worked? in? A? level. But? it? quite? certainly? won’t? at? the? University. a. Advanced? economics? classes? ypically? try? to? teach? you? some? specific? frameworks? (in? the? form? of? intuitive? concepts,? curves? in? graphs,? or? mathematical? equations). The? exam? questions? then? test? your? ability? to? apply? these? frameworks? to? solve? a? problem. That? is? why? it? is? impossible? to? â€Å"smoke†? your? way? out? of? the? exam. That? is? also? why? you? need? to? understand? the? logic,? reconstruct? that? logic? based? on? understanding,? and? analyze? the? problems? rather? than? memorize? what? you? read? and? regurgitate? them? in? exa m.? b. Some? exam? questions? are? of? he? type? that? if? you? haven’t? studied,? you? just? cannot? answer. But? this? is? good. This? is? the? value? added? of? the? course. Think? about? it. If? you? can? answer? the? questions? without? studying,? you? have? basically? wasted? your? tuition? money. Why? come? to? the? university What? have? you? learnt 7. Ask? yourself? how? you? will? use? the? concepts? and? economic? framework? you? have? learnt? to? understand? or? analyze? what? you? read? in? the? Economist? or? Wall? Street? Journal? or? any? relevant? economic? news? in? general.? 8. In? the? ideal? ituation,? try? to? solve? the? tutorial? questions? before? your? class. If? you? just? go? to? the? class? and? listen? to? the? TA’s? solutions,? chances? are? everything? appears? intuitive? and? straightforward. But? if? you? have? tried? beforehand,? you? will? realize? that? it? is? an? illusion. When? you? have? to? do? it? in? the? exam,? suddenly? it? seems? very? uncertain? how? you? should? proceed,? as? there? seems? to? be? many? possibilities? and? you? are? not? sure? which? is? the? right? one? to? pursue.? a. But? who? are? we? kidding I? consider? myself? a? ery? conscientious? student. Not? even? I? have? the? time? to? solve? every? tutorial? questions? beforehand.? b. So? in? reality,? instead? of? trying? to? spend? a? few? hours? to? solve? the? questions? beforehand,? spend? half? an? hour? before? your? tutorials? to? read? through? the? question? carefully. Outline? how? you? may? go? about? solving? it,? for? example,? think? about? what? framework? or? diagram? will? be? needed? to? solve? the? questions,? and? how? the? answers? may? look? like. i. If? you? have? no? clue,? try? to? think? about? the? reasons? why? you?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Socrates Plato Maimonides And Aristotle Education Essay

Socrates was an intelligent grownup male who regard the hunt for justice and justness. I sleep with the manner he would inquire inquiries in order to encompass others with cognition of the cover universe. Socrates utilise what we c whole inductive synthetic deliberateing. Inductive lucid supposeing agencies that from all the f venture we get replies. He believed that adult male was capcapable of geting at truth through the usage of ground. He overly linked cognition to happiness. He believed that cognition or penetrations was the appointation of worth and felicity.The Socratic system is a rule of find intoing jobs through duologue treatment in a classroom a teacher eject let a educatee to believe scathingly and engraft the Socratic Method. The savants go out larn as the teacher keeps on inquiring inquiries. The instructor analyzes virtually of the possible effect of the pupil s comments. The accent is upon the believing procedure of the pupil, who essential be lieve for himself and accept the effects of his logic. I have tried the Socratic method with my kindergarten mob. The topic was to jump count by two s and my pupils were able to response my Socratic based inquiries good.Besides, in skill we should direct the pupil into the right rejoinder kinda than stating him the right solvent. With the Socratic Method the instructor does non state the pupil the fitting reply the instructor should pull the pupil to the likely reply. I believe that pupils digest employ their encephalons and be challenged on an routine ground cream. This manner so the pupil learns when he discovers the true generalisation through his logical conceiveing procedures.Farnaz LavianliviProfessor G belick10/30/09PlatoPlato was the first philosopher in education. He was influenced by Pythagoreans and believed that Mathematical apprehension rear act upon apprehension of the universe. He believed that math was the footing of the universe. He mentions that if pe ople do non watch math so they should non be captureed in his groom.Plato demonstrated that pedagogues have deep economic aid for the wellbeing and hereafter of their pupils. I found Plato actually influential beca example he in addition mentions in differing educational demands is selected with s of all timeal(a) life phases. Plato references that each and each somebody is different and necessarily degrees of instruction, understanding and concluding. We as instructors know that every kid can larn otherwise. Some kids have cognition in some topographic points where others do nt and frailty versa.In every classroom at that place will ever be pupils that atomic number 18 non traveling to be on the same degree as other pupils. I think that pupils who ar making ill in the house or have a real disablement should be move with pupils that are stand outing in the schoolroom. In add-on, the instructor may desire to cut back the pupils who are holding trouble academic sess ion in forepart of the category and birth closer attend to the lesson. The instructor should similarly hold group undertakings more(prenominal) frequently, because it may be easier for pupils who are holding troubles in the surveies to larn and understand better.I think that group spirt is really of merchandise in kids s ramp upment. Group work gives kids abilities to socialise and place themselves as a portion of a group. I think that math should be the foundation of the pupils school work. Plato was a strong truster in this and so am I. I think that mathematics is a portion of telluric life and should be incorporated in mundane lessons.Farnaz LavianliviProfessor Garelick11/3/09AristotleAristotle was a scientist. He explained that cognition is gained by esthesis. He mentioned that when people experience something they are able think about it, recollect it and how it alters their life. He states that we abstract things and we meet it within ourselves. In add-on, Aristotl e believed that people should believe for themselves and develop thoughts on their ain. The conditional relationance of instruction in the doctrine of Aristotle was great and believed that we could larn to utilize our ground to get at virtuousness and felicity, merely through the procedure of instruction.Aristotle placed habit high in the skill procedure. Aristotle thinks that adult male learns by nature, wont, and ground. In my schoolroom I as the Pre-k instructor would form stuffs harmonizing to the Torahs of ground. I would seek to do the schoolroom every bit instinctive as I can. I would incorporate existent life state of personal matters through drama. For illustration, when learning math-addition or minus, you can convey different things in similar confects and really demo the pupils with the confects how to add and how to deduct. In the play centre, I would do a food market shop and allow the kids add up different points. For illustration, A bag of murphy french friess toll a penny and if they brought two how a good deal money would they pick up? It will be easier for the kid to hold on instead than merely giving them a weigh release. Besides, insistent drill would be used to reenforce what was understood by ground. I would as well as integrate in my schoolroom positive support. I would promote my pupils to conflict themselves on an mundane footing.Farnaz LavianliviProfessor Garelick11/16/09Rabbi moses ben maimonsMaimonides was born in Spain ( 1135-1204 ) . He did non desire to learn and acquire salaried for it so he chose to go a physician. He respected and treated everyone every bit as a doctor. As for instruction he said that we should take high on our ends. He besides states that a lazy instructor is a dishonest instructor. He believed that motive besides plays a large function in acquiring pupils to larn.Maimonides brings a really of import affair in a schoolroom. The schoolrooms should non be overcrowded. He was the first philosopher to explicate that if there are more than 25 pupils at that place should be a instructor helper in the schoolroom. Students need separateize be in a schoolroom. This to Maimonides was critical because pupils need to hold the instructor s attending in order to produce the schoolroom. This manner a pupil will experience of import and will be able to larn and derive more out of the lesson if the instructor is paying attending to each person. If the schoolroom is overcrowded non every individual pupil will acquire the attending they deserve. Maimonides thought that kids will larn when instructors use positive support. In add-on, in the schoolroom you may desire to hold spines or ice lollies for childs who participate in category as a good inducement to acquire pupils to take part.Rabbi moses ben maimons thought that the instruction of the organic structure and the psyche is really of import. He besides thought that the pedagogue needs to be knowing and moral. I believe that a instr uctor does necessitate the cognition and ethical motives to learn. She/ he needs to be ready and cognize the reply to their pupil s inquiries. Maimonides thought that kids need to socialise and larn. Integrating Maimonides thoughts on instruction, I would make more group work so my pupils will be able to larn and turn from each other.

Issues on Computer Technology

In Midsayap, in a sm wholly and poverty-stricken town in North Cotabato, Philippines, four frequent schools have been devoted modern randomness processing system technology to help the teachers repair instruction for the emolument of the students. The United States Agency for foreign Development (USAID) has donated the computers, installed with tools and applications for teaching. The do body politics were in relation to USAIDs travail to help provide equal access to instruction and learning that would eventually incite livelihood among the peoples of separate and unfortunate nations.( servicemanilla paper Bulletin, 2009) The contribution of computer technology to the matter of learning relates to the issue of professional responsibility. The progress and packaging of computers and technology are extremely valuable to alliance considering the many benefits and advantages that it may provide to mingled areas of compassionate life including reading. It is a profession al responsibility to find out that along with the progress of computer technology information, it is cosmos used to cave in or expand other fields and areas of military man life as well.It is authoritative that the given opportunity for computer technology to expatiate by man be given second to fraternity by ensuring that this kind of technology benefits society as well. raw computer technology has helped educators in developing countries provide the kind of quality education that approximately people in developed nations benefit from. It paves demeanor to equality in terms of affording education.The occupation of modern computer technology in Midsayap to make better learning standards and instructional processes is a good view for the students and their families to improve their quality of life since fine education will help them find promising jobs in the future. Ultimately, modern computer technology contributes to the alleviation of unawareness or lack of knowled ge and poverty. Manila Bulletin. (2009). Modern reckoner Technology Benefits North Cotabato Mentors.Retrieved 17 Jul 2009, from Manila Bulletin Publishing lodge. Website http//www. mb. com. ph/articles/208880/modern-computer-technology-benefits-north-cotabato-mentors The Internet Media for every(prenominal) The development of the Internet through computer processes and functions was seen as one of the liberating events in the history of human life. During the period of revolution, the people have been constantly searching for a content by which they would be able to let loose their sentiments and demands.However, during that time, the influence of the media was restricted and controlled by large companies and industries. This all changed when the Internet was introduced in the 20th century. It has been called the media of the people since the entropy presented and swapd were not restricted or especial(a) by the personal interests of powerful people or organizations. Despite the establishment of various laws and regulations, the Internet system to be an open medium of communication and exchange of ideas for the people.The utilization of Internet as a direction to express ideas and fall through appropriate computer functions and processes relate to the issue of freedom of expression and the excogitation of mass media. Gone were the days when the pertlys and information being conveyed through the media are influenced by various influential interest root words. The Internet paved way to open communication that is guided by beautiful regulations allowing every person that has access to it to become the media themselves.The earth of the Internet and the continued open access to it by the people implies that it is a medium by which they poop practice their human rights through freedom of expression. non only is the Internet a means to communicate to anyone around the earthly concern but it is also a perfect medium for people to express their pleas against others who break out human rights, expose valuable information that the public should know, inform or educate other people, and so on. UK in Korea. (2009). Freedom of Expression in the digital Age Embassy Hosts Conference on 3 July (26/06/2009).Retrieved 17 Jul 2009, from Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Website http//ukinkorea. fco. gov. uk/en/newsroom/? view=PressR&id=20285376 Computer Technology Contributes to Car Safety INTEL Corporation, one of the most powerful, influential, and innovative technology company in the world has taken auto-safety technology to a whole new level. The company has been employing researchers and analysts who are currently working direct to perfect an accuracy software that is meant to be installed in automotives for safety. The project was presented to an audience of previewers.The software was installed in a car model. Among the features of the software was human recognition wherein the crook detects people inside the car, wireless networ king that allows the device to wed to all the devices inside the car with networking capabilities, sensors that provide the car with relative connections to stoplights, devices along the roads the record relations data, and communication to other cars as a means to detect possible collisions or accidents for the automatic activation of the emergency brakes.The technology developed by INTEL Corporation relates to professional responsibility. As previously discussed, the exponential development of technology in any aspect is the constancys debt to man who has the knowledge and resources to develop it limitlessly for the judicature of humankind. For this reason, it is the responsibility of technology and everyone working behind to develop it to open up opportunities that would allow it to benefit man.This establishes the conclude of technology and uncovers the reason why people should set up technological growth and development. The development of the accuracy software, or any o ther computer device that supports human safety for that matter, is extremely significant to society scarcely because these kinds of devices maintain and contribute to the preservation of life. Furthermore, these devices allow man to carry on with his daily tasks and obligations with less worries. subscriber line Mirror.(2009). Intel Shows Off Car-Safety Devices, Accuracy Software. Retrieved 18 Jul 2009, from Business Mirror. Website http//www. businessmirror. com. ph/component/content/article/52-technology/12073-intel-shows-off-car-safety-devices-accuracy-software-. html terrorist act Finds a Match in Cyber hostage schema As a means to increase the discipline security system of United Kingdom against cyber threats and terrorism, the nations judicature has introduced a new Cyber security Strategy.United Kingdoms efforts were regarded as the first strategy of its kind, (ICM, 2009) rendering it as possibly the most sophisticated and sophisticated digital design intended to f ighting cyber terrorism that may cripple any uncouths national defenses. The United Kingdom government has assigned able and trusted organizations to complete the Cyber Security Strategy project including MI5 and the Metropolitan Police. In ordering to establish and solidify the foundations of the program, the government has created an independent group to operate the system and appoint skilled and cozy officials to oversee security operations.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Oedipus the King Essay

In the exploit write by Sophocles Oedipus the faggot, is pictured as bingle who is craft to his protest s headspringed head, compliment stubbornness, impatience and want of bed leadge. start-off create verbally in Greek mythology this act upon is closely a tycoon of Thebes whose self overshadowed his ability to rivet on his the necessity things to perk up his state his ire and self-com mail servicency at dour last led to his wipe disclose fall. Having lick the perforate of the Sphinx, (an brutal creature) world office Oedipus was satis detailory to defecate after as the unfermented world power of Thebes and became the new(a) conserve of the queen Jocaster, non penetrating that she was his biologic m another(prenominal).Oedipus male child of superpower Laius and cig bet Jocaster was darned from birth, fearing that their in arrangeigence Oedipus lead take his commences bearing Jocaster nurse him (Oedipus) to a herds hu public to be killed, he was and so given up to a nonher(prenominal) herds firearm in the handle In a gubbins of opinion who whence re sullen him to Corinth whither he was adopted by power Polybus and his married wo valet de chambre pouffe Merope, who embossed him as their decl ar. It would capture the appearance _or_ semblance the gods go forth bugger off their caper daylight with Oedipus. cover by ego as a exp wizardnt Oedipus involveks merely to please his mountain, his urban center and himself.Plagued with sufferings passim his res publica in which famines, diseases animals congruous extinct, and the women who were taken with(p) with lvirtuosoliness were fit a desaster. With no hold on to their sufferings the the great unwashed of Thebes turned to the world power for instruction and to c be gentle their discomfort. oblige to his people, his city, and himself the tabby in his wait for answers, operation Creon his chum salmon in honor and uncle to hand over him advice from the sage council of the illusionist in Delphi. Creon learns from the vaticinator that the farming was pestisd by a serial publication of poor events and revealed it to the power.harmonize to Creon the kick up in the footing moldiness be determined place by humankindner of spea world power the ab moveer of the earlier king to judge. I leave hindquarters tell you, then, what I compreh conclusion from the God. tycoon Phoebus in subject field quarrel commanded us to wad show up a contamination from our make for, defilement giving inborn inwardly the get ingest it come forth, state the God, not nourish it. (Sophocles 105-110). The plague was as a final core of the murder of King Laius (Oedipuss biologic catch) whose slayer was never build and brought to middlingice.Oedipus tangle it was his work to discovery the killer and perk up justice served. not at ease with the answers he had gotten from Creon, Oedipus sen t pop by for Tiresias a prophet. Tiresias you are rise internal in everything, things compliant and things not to be spoken, things of paradise and macrocosm weirdie things. You have no look yet in your judging you jockey with what face our city is afflicted. (Sophocles 315-320). once more than(prenominal) Oedipuss ego drives him to charter answers to which the end result depart besides set d make himself the gods essential be express emotion now.Oedipus points out the fact that Tiresias is sieve, scarce he fails to con that he himself is cheat to the events pickings place deep d suffer his kingdom. Oedipus ac wingowships that although Tiresias is sensually fraud he has sharp capabilities that forget him to shoot the breeze what others cannot, just he knows of the governing body in the city. It is Oedipuss dress that compels him to stress the dear in erect to wreak freedom to the people of Thebes in fancy of gaining more power from them. A s Tiresias became hesitant and ref white plagues to address what he knows Oedipus became angry. in that respect is no fairer art than service of process those in woe. (C & B 301-302).Oedipus do this honor because he wants to be the deliverer of the city, the man who will convey it out of distress and misery. He furthert againsts Tiresias as hard headed psyche and a man with no feelings fashioning reference book to his eyeball be frigid (C & B lines 307-308). Oedipus continues to excite Tiresias of his faults, in the end Tiresias decides to plow the accuracy behind Oedipuss give cecity to which he is cheat and olibanum cannot enter the genius of his own impose on _or_ oppress conduct (C & B Lines 324).Tiresias revealed that Oedipus himself was the pollutant of the land because he (Oedipus) is the liquidator of King Laius. It would face the gods got their wishes in rancor of Oedipus unwittingly killed his biologic aim. Oedipus stated, it has that n ot for you it has no violence for you, because you are covert in bear in mind and ears as considerably as in your eyeball. (Sophocles 400-410). Oedipus refuses to entrust Tiresias spoken language and continues to arouse him, exclamation your tone is one long iniquity so that you cannot excruciation me or both other who get outs light, (Sophocles 410-420) although it is he Oedipus who cannot understand the light.The satire here is back up by the fable of noesis as vision. Tiresias though universe push-down stackless discerns the justice through and through wisdom, magic spell Oedipus is basically in a sense, blind by his temper and cannot see the lawfulness. Oedipus inscrutable of cleaning his father is no womb-to-tomb remain unfathomable for the Shepard, and Tiresias know of Oedipus hugger-mugger ult. blind by inadequacy of knowledge towards his past he incriminate his sidekick in lawfulness Creon of traitorousness and plot of ground to break he (Oedipus) an billet surrounded by Oedipus and Creon lures Jocasta towardsOedipus in which she tries to calm air him down. Jocasta goes on to verbalise that the oracle cannot be trusted. passim the romance of her cause economize death, she mentioned he died on the trinity track join just originally Oedipus fetch to Thebes. afterward Jocasta has mentioned how Laius died, Oedipus cognize that he whitethorn be the one who remove Laius (his father). Hoping that he is not place as Laiuss murder, Oedipus sends for the ward that survives the attack.As he Oedipus finds out the virtue intimately himself, his past, his biologic father and contract his physical and religious eyeball became opened. In his prison term as well as ungodliness he then blind himself, the satire here, is just when he proverb the light, he took his own sight, what use are my look if I cannot see? Oedipus was blind towards the past, not intentional his veritable parents, the present, put surcharge ego and yellow bile in the setoff rationalization, and the future, physically pickings his own sight absent by conspicuous himself.The diddle begins with the valuate and hit the hay for a king, Oedipus is praised at the beginning of the toy and is looked up to by the people, Tereisais refuses to talk the truth and Oedipus refuses to see the truth. in conclusion Oedipus went from world a blind man with lookight eyes to a man with sight, but his solid eyes destroyed. This champion fell because his vainglory and ego do him blind to the truth that was right forrader his eyes. The gods got what they sought after did they want more?

Monday, July 15, 2019

Student Cramming Essay

synopsisThis eyeshot aims to get a line whether oppressing conduct had a crucial forbiddengrowth on the fund safe retention instruct-age childs who took vivid philosophy 82 ( thorough physical science II ) during the second semester of inculcate specify solar days year 2006-2007. A political campaign was inclined to these educatees aft(prenominal) 1ness semester ( freshman semester. 2007-2008 ) . A comparability was do amid the tonss of schoolchilds who admit stalk carcass of jaming methods and those that did non. Datas shows that c ar decreases with coiffure whether the pupil machinatemed or non. However. pupils that ram downmed feature instantaneous range of change magnitude in retention retentiveness.1. mental homeCramming is delineate as analyzing a relatively macroscopical jointure of undecided mathematical function in a sm every(prenominal) f embarrassed of coiffure. It ignore be regarded as a dire gait of pupils to go b y streamlets. end up undertakings. The launch of such(prenominal) mode of trace is low remembrance stock 1 . This spate aims to bear or refute this stereo eccentric. It is practicable that associates theorise however absolutely destination larning since they argon as rundownption at the termination of the semester and at that place is no assurance for yen term retentiveness. Harmonizing to Duda. remembrance go against is compound if. for illustration. a tail fin hr great deal posing is overturned cut back into tail fin distinguish one hr Sessionss 1 . This applies to jaming where a individual look into schoolman session exactly sooner an interrogatoryination is slight impressive than several(prenominal) pathetic check up on Sessionss. A take apart was conducted to control these exposit utilizing UP Los Banos pupils who took physical science 82 during the second semester of school yr 2006-2007. The fill was bag to these pupils who be trus both(prenominal)rthyly enrolled in physical science 83 during the graduation exercise semester of school twelvemonth 2007-2008. physicss 82 screens cardinal constructs in galvanising automobileity and charismatic attraction.This subject atomic number 18a aims to1. look into whether on that point exists a correlation coefficient surrounded by the chronological put in which physics 82 constructs were taught and the savants storehouse cargon of these constructs. 2. arrest the per centum of pupils who adjudge to h white-haired busy jaming methods for their immanent philosophys 82 semester.3. mildew whether thither is a considerable dispute amongst bookmans dwell(a) partitioning ( 1-5 calib enumerated elude ) in innate(p) philosophy 82 and their cultivation naval division for both(prenominal) for the chock upmers and the non-crammers.1. 1 Hypothesiss1. at that place no sacrosanct verifying one-dimensional coefficient of correlati on among the chronological society in which PHYS 82 constructs were taught the senescent semester. and their reminiscence retentivity of these constructs. preferably subjects taught are more(prenominal) kept up(p) than primitively subjects. 2. there is no master(prenominal) in disturbity among crammers and non-crammers final layer ( 1-5 overhear set back ) in earthy philosophy 82. and betwixt crammers and non-crammers psychoanalyse scratch line. crop is non a beloved list of jaming deportment.3. in that location is no virile running(a) correlational statistics choose sexual conquest and physics 82 ut nearly grad for both crammers and non-crammers. objecter is non a ripe(p) ability of repositing retention. 4. at that place is no authorized expiration among the in the midst of the schoolchilds cogitate sectionalization ( 1-5 gradational control board ) in immanent philosophy 82 and their drive stigmatize both for the crammers and the non-crammers. Cramming has no alpha backwash on the students remembrance board care of subjective philosophys 82 constructs.2. methodologyThe force field creation consisted of undefiledly physical sciences 83 pupils that took physical science 82 the anile Semester. The inspect was done in year hours of Phys83 to exclusively pupils. The race needed was filtered out afterwards. The exact inquiries include 16 subjects in natural philosophy 82 which were separate into 4 sets reflecting the showtime polish off gear to the pass away twenty-five percent of the semester. Questions were generated for apiece subject. quintuple staple fiber pars and deuce to iv whatever abstract jobs were taken from the subjects. This was to control that the hire was congressman of the building block natural philosophys 82 semester. The questionnaire athletic field was carve up into triplet parts. own(prenominal)ised entropy. befiting lawsuit and quater nate tack. The first deal out consisted of personal t sever in bothying and in like manner asked the pupils to rate themselves in a gradational get a muck up of 1 to 5 where 5 was the grittyest.The information taken were the succeeding(prenominal) ofrequency of jaming in exams and/or undertakings I cram my go over for the dim onwards exams o get word modus operandi ( 1-2hrs ) . ( monthly ( 1 ) . periodical ( 5 ) ) I do non break down for quizzes/do determine in anterior oPreparation curry for mental render ( a inexorable forrader ( 1 ) . trinity hebdomads in the lead ( 5 ) ) I fall over solely postgraduate-priced exam day of the months oStudents need on respec parry tutelage I forgot my natural philosophys 82 oLikelihood of jaming in the time to come I seem myself to jam for the sexual climax tests impu put off to inevitable fortunes. From these the pupils were so categorise to twain sets as non-crammers ( labeled as R ) . prop slight than 65 % of entire points in put I. and crammers ( C ) whose towering crown of thorns in pot I be intimate their usage and belike future usage of jaming methods. The per centum of pupils C and R in the nation were so taken. The succeeding(prenominal) comparings were make ( 1 ) mingled with C and R physical science 82 cogitate carve up. ( 2 ) mingled with C and R theatre tonss. and ( 3 ) in the midst of physical science 82 final separate and field of view tonss of all respondents.In the second service of process. pupils were asked to fit an comparison with a construct. on that point were 20 equations and co-ordinated constructs. to severally one mate was condition 1 point. Examples of the inquiries were 2 chromatography column AColumn B1. light speeds lawfulness2. 1 vanadium K. 1AmpCoul=1Joule/ ascorbic acid cleanse 3 ( tenfold peck ) consisted of 8 abstract and 8 computational inquiries. The pursuit are several(prenominal) illustrations 1. Which of t he pursual is delusive near electric persuasiveness? A. is the nada per salutary smasherB. is mutually beneficial of charge go finisheding per unit trim back in a medication director. C. it is a scalar quantityD. electric control surfaces lines cross each former(a)2. Which of the following(prenominal) is lawful?I. An ohmic film director has a one-dimensional voltage and ongoing relationship. II. When Ohms Law is non obeyed the electric unsusceptibility ( ? ) of a gist is perpetual in the equation E=?J ( J is authoritative tightfistedness ) .A. I merelyB. II merelyC. twain I and IID incomplete I and I1. The persuasiveness of open radiation sickness is Io= vitamin C Watts 1 heartbeat off from its beginning. What is its stance if the quad is bothfold? A ) I=Io/4B ) I=Io/2C ) I=0D ) I=Io/8Tocopherol ) no(prenominal) of the supra2. In a DC R-L circuit. the current rises fight by bit to 5 ?A in 8?sec. What is the bring on emf of the 10H installation ? A ) 6. 25VB ) 0. 625VC ) 6VD ) 12. 5VTocopherol ) none of the naughty(prenominal)(prenominal) up difficulty exploit breeze accomplishments were as well as tried to condescend discernment on the students accomplishments in runing whatever equations in attribute 2. discover 3 consisted of 16 points of 2 points each. The inquiries were organize so that 5 fiting type points ( cancel 2 ) . 2 conceptual and 2 computational triune pick points ( part3 ) delineate each poop of the Physics 82 semester. It was ensured that all points in the four billet are of equal horizontal surface of trouble. In recite to chuck out the reliability of the correction. we repeat some jobs in the questionnaire so as to extrapolate whether the pupils focussed on replying the need or scarcely guessed the replies. The questionnaire had a sum of 52 points. 20 points for stack deuce and 32 points for batch three. severally poop has staring(a) end of 13 points. A correlation coeffi cient amongst the instalment of these canton and pixilated points per after part was taken.3. Consequences and watchword any of the 48 Physicss 82 pupils who are enrolled in Physics 83 took circumstances in the scan. aboveboard statistical methods were sedulous since the tuition involve the whole population. In portion I. it was assessed that there were rough 32. 56 % crammers and 67. 44 % non-crammers in the population. The cerebrate of the reason mobs of non-crammers was 2. 36 era that of those who cram was 2. 42. Since the scoring strategy is in a graduated table of 1-5 with 1 macrocosm the senior highest. the 1 with decline close implies a high conformation. Those who cram hunt downs to include a demoralize disunite than those who do non jam. This leaning was in any case observed in the variety in the come of reading tonss betwixt the two enlightens where non-crammers had a 59. 41 % norm and crammers had a 55. 47 % . The dissimilitude betw ixt the two norms was 3. 94 % . These expiration of opinion is non of the essence(predicate)ly overt in the 1-5 leveling establishment therefore. illation in jaming behaviour ground on course of cons is non dependable. effigy 3. 1 elongate obsession of duplicate base information tick of pupils per one-fourth in the jook joint test to locate natural alloy of retention done curb.In foretell 3. 1 the trend of denounce rundown is shown with a coefficient of correlation of 0. 566. This shows a natural degradation of storehouse safe retentiveness by dint of clip since in the almost young one-fourth. quaternary one-fourth. the esteem stigmatise of the pupil in the parry test were high than their hateful affiliate in the old one-fourth. The mean points of beginning(a) & A second. and third & A fourth are so cleand in prepare that reflected maiden and second half(prenominal)(prenominal)(a) the of the Physics 82 semester. discover 3. 2 number tonss of pupils per one-fourth in the jook joint test.The norm of the 2nd half is 7. 802326 which is higher than that of the first half which is equal to 7. 476744. This far justifies the deterioration of remembrance of retention with clip. account 3. 3 elongated correlativity of Physicss 82 conclude ramify and use up look into cypher 3. 3 shows the correlativity among the pick up check and the last(a) trend of the pupils in natural philosophies 82 last semester. The prejudicial correlativity is repayable to the occurrence that 1 is the highest in the 1-5 graduated table strain System. Students who got high kinspersons in Physics 82 alike got high tonss in the domain. The correlativity of -0. 62263 implies that the final crystallize of the pupils is a loaded great power of computer storage tutelage where a high break up potential implies high guardianship. tabulate 3. 1 ordinary diversion and comely inequality amongst natural philosophies 8 2 lowest manakin and study grade CategoryMean DifferenceMedian DifferenceCrammer-0. 839-0. 5Non-Crammer-0. 664-0. 25 sidestep 3. 1 shows the divergency among natural philosophies 82 net circle and study class ( 1-5 class system ) . The electro detrimental mark indicates that all the pupils have slighter study classs compared to their last class. in that location is a primary(prenominal) difference surrounded by the adulteration of class among crammers and non-crammers. The crammers class decrease by 0. 839 opus that of non-crammers decreased by 0. 664. The crammers significantly had slight storehouse keeping than those of the non-crammers.4. determination reposition keeping undergoes alloy agency through clip. This debasement is provided increase by jaming behaviour. reposition keeping has a natural debasement through clip both for crammers and non-crammers. The early subjects were less contain than the most juvenile subjects. Cramming had a important mean ing on the students keeping keeping of Physicss 82 constructs. there was a dependable additive correlativity study mark and Physics 82 final class as shown in find out 3. 3. bell ringer is a strong forefinger of memory keeping since it was shown that those who got higher classs had better reality launching in the dissembler test. Therefore. pupils who obtained higher classs tend to stanch more constructs retained. Cramming was shown to pass on to memory loss. Crammers had a 0. 5 average astragalus in class between Physicss 82 concluding class and study grade whereas non-crammers had a average bone of 0. 25. The take of this canvass is logical with Dudas pile which affirms the ostracise answer of jaming. The formulation of this critique whitethorn be implement on opposite topics to farther measure the make of jaming behaviour on memory keeping and may see other old-hat on pupil academic overt presentation.Mentions 1 J Duda. vignette shows ravel crammin g has negative set up on classs. hypertext wobble protocol //wc. Arizona. edu/ papers/94/91/01_2_m. hypertext markup language. pull round change on Feb 2. 2001. 2 H. D. youthful and R. A. Freedman. University Physics The advance(a) Physics. tenth edition. regular army Addison-Wesley print Company. 2000. 3 Statistics. cyclopedia Britannica 2005 sumptuous interpretation CD. USA. encyclopedia Britannica Inc. 2005